And that's what it's going to be like today. A tour inside my mind. It's going to be very confusing, very disorienting, and in 15 minutes, you'll get spit out on the New Jersey Turnpike.
Okay, so maybe not the last part.
The mystery of the Monkey
I haven't mentioned this, because I've been focused on other things this week, but last monday I came into the office and found something very strange on my desk. A monkey.
Yes. A stuffed monkey.
It appeared seemingly out of nowhere. No one will admit to putting it there, other than to say that the lady here used to have stuffed monkeys, but she's been gone for two months. I was here a month before this guy showed up.
Additionally puzzling because monkeys are an inside joke with me and Eddy. Those, and midgets.
Speaking of Eddy. . .
Eddy's site was a feature site last week at Sci Fi Weekly Online. Check it out.
Speaking of Websites . . . .
Coffeequeen finally opened up Goonie Designs. She's the one who designs my beautiful Blogs, and is being a complete doll by doing some maniplations for my fanfictions.
Speaking of fanfic manipulations . . . .
I have asked Coffeequeen to do a manipulation for my story First and Last. The story is a crossover of Anita Blake and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I was looking for a good person to use for Jason, and I think I found him. This is Jacob Young. Can all of you Anita Blake fans let me know what you think?

Okay, I think that's enough of a romp through my mind for today!
Posted by Arieanna at 3:03 PM