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Friday, April 23, 2004

Stormy's a coming!! And random thoughts of a filmic nature.

Sorry about the long time in between posts, folks. It was pointed out to me last night by Jays that I hadn't made a post since the 8th of April. I decided it was about time.

Oh, and Jay's birthday was yesterday, so again I tell him Happy Birthday!!

I've just been really busy with not doing anything entertaining enough to write about lately. I'm sure that's going to change this weekend, though. I'm going to have stuff to talk about, just no time to do it.

TheStormCellar is going to be in town as of 3 pm today! We're going to hang out with Anait, Coffeequeen and Xander's Girl for the weekend. For those of you that don't know, Coffeequeen designed this blog and many of my others, and all three ladies are regular posters on Caritas, the forum over at Renew Angel.

We're planning on painting the town not only red, but all sorts of colors.

I've been busy attending a lot of movies in the last week, and watching Angel, of course.

Saw Kill Bill 2 on Friday with all of the usual suspects. (we tend to go to the movies in the same pack. Me, Animal, CQ, Eddy, Jay, Rachel, Jesse. It varies by who's in town, who's got to work, and if it's a bigger movie, who else tags along, but we all usually go together.) I have to say that I actually enjoyed Kill Bill 2 much more than I did the first, and I loved the first. This film was a return to the dialogue driven style of Resevoir Dogs. Not driven by the violence, but not absent of it either. The violence in this film was all the more poignant because it wasn't so over the top. It seemed more real, more personal some how.

And there were some more obvious directorial moves and subtle emotion provoking filmmaking in this volume of the movie.

That being said, curses for double dipping in the DVD market!! I wanted to watch Kill Bill 1 again, and I had to wrestle with myself not to just spend the 20 bucks on the DVD. But hell!! You just know that there's going to be a super deluxe version of this movie when the second one hits DVD. For now, I'm pratically having to have someone come and restrain me from buying it when I walk into a Future Shop.

Speaking of Future Shops, it brings me in a roundabout way to the second movie that I saw on friday night, The Girl Next Door. This one I saw with XG, and Future Shop makes me think about it because I went out and bought the soundtrack the next day.

Of course, being Canadian, I could have just legally made my own off of the internet, except for the fact that the composed score music was on the soundtrack as well, and I couldn't find it!

Yes, you heard right, people. It's completely legal to Peer-to-peer file share recorded and copyrighted music in this country. I love Canada a lot sometimes.

Although, it really only effects me in the fact that I make a lot of mixed CDs. If I like a band, or a soundtrack, I'll buy the CD, as long as I have the disposable income.

Back to the point, which was, The Girl Next Door. This movie was great!! I have to admit that Eddy is very right when he calls it a thinly veiled remake of Risky Buisness, but I really enjoyed it.

There was a lot to laugh at.(even if XG and I were the only ones laughing. That makes me feel really old sometimes. Were the kids in the audience not laughing because they don't know who Monet is? It's possible. After all, Rachel didn't know who John Lennon was, so scratch your head at that one.) The music really complimented the movie. The young man that plays Adam on Joan of Arcadia was in it.

Oh, as was Jacob Young, my choice for Jason in the Anita Blake movies, if they make them. XG got a gawk at him, and she agrees with me. Very Jasonesque.

But, most importanly, this movie just made me feel. That's always an important thing with me. It's great if a movie is technically good or great. But it has to touch me too, and although TGND might not be the same calliber as Return of the King, it touched me. I'm sure I'll own it.

Speaking of things touching you, this week's Angel episode, Origins, touched me in a way I wouldn't have thought possible. I adored this episode, and it is immediately on my list of favorite episodes of any show ever. And all because I was extremely happy to see Connor.

When I told this to Eddy, he pointed out that I didn't even like Connor. But this episode showed me that I may not have liked him, but I loved him and I missed him.

That, and Vincent Karthieser did a fantastic job in this episode. He was two completely different characters in that episode. Connor the suburban college kid at the beginning, and Connor the Destroyer at the end. It was perfectly played, as well. The change was simply in his eyes, and could even be overlooked, or argued away. But it was there, make no mistake. Angel's son was back at the end, and I'm sure that that's not the last we'll see of him.

Also, such gut-wrenching events for Angel in this episode. He gets his son back just to have to give him up again.

I cried throughout the episode. Both for the gut-wrenching emotions in the episode, and for the fact that, in 4 short weeks, we'll lose this amazing show. When it is gone, I don't see me watching television at all, really.

Well, I guess, even though I'm excited, bouncing off the walls, and counting the minutes till Stormy gets here, and us ladies go out to sing the Karaoke, that I should still try to do some work.

I'll report back with all the crazy making when I get the chance!

Posted by Arieanna at 11:57 AM |