Design by :(c)2005 Coffeequeen
Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Yes, I know, but I assure you, I am alive!

I am so, so sorry that I've been M.I.A. for the last couple of months. Things have been fairly busy for me, and, in addition, I haven't had a lot of internet time.

The job that I had been temping at is a very, very busy job. It keeps me pretty busy all day long, so I don't have the time to surf the net that I did at other jobs. And now I'm there permanently. Yes, you heard right. I have now secured permanent full time employment. I am the Receptionist at the Disability office for Great West Life.

I love being there full time. The people are great to work with. The hours are really good. The benefits and the pay are more than I could ask for. It just sucks that I have no internet time at work! But hey, that's how it goes. I guess that's what happens when you start to grow up! :-)

Also, I'm not going to be around much for the month of November. A couple of people have talked me into doing NaNoWriMo. For those of you not in the know, November is National Novel Writing Month. When one participates in NaNoWriMo, the goal is to write a 50,000 word novel within the month of November. I'm hoping that I can do it. And now that I will have a library to write in when I move in November, I think it's doable. What do you think, RyT? Will you beta it for me?

Oh, yeah, and we're moving at the end of the month. So that's another thing that's been eating up a lot of my time. Looking for a new place. Well, we officially have one now, and moving day is on Halloween. I'll keep you guys all updated on the move as it draws nearer.

Speaking of officially . . . Enigma Art is now officially opened for business. Coffeequeen has been putting her blood, sweat and tears into her very own domain, and is it ever worth it. Check it out, point your friends in that direction. Her work is superb!

Also, long time MIA blogger Scruffy has started posting again, so drop by and give him a tag.

I could blather on here for the rest of the night, but I do have to be up and at 'em in the am. So, signing off for now.

Miss you guys a lot. Tag me and let me know if you still love me, even though I'm never around.

Posted by Arieanna at 9:55 PM |