Design by :(c)2005 Coffeequeen
Saturday, March 20, 2004

Yes, Today is my Birthday

Good morning, everyone! Welcome to my new home.

Coffeequeen came over this morning in order to put up my new home. It's my birthday present, and I love it to death! In fact, in short order, the rest of my webworld, including all of my fanfic, will be changed to match this lovely page.

So far, I am having a very wonderful birthday. The celebration started with going to see Dawn of the Dead last night. CQ says it deserves 10 out of 5 stars, and I have to agree. When you see it, look for a "blink and you'll miss it" appearance by my old college friend Mike Realba, one of the stars of Al Pacino's The Recruit. He ends up Zombie Food very early in the film. We then went to enjoy some Karaoke at The Limelight, ending with a late night dinner at Perkins.

When I got home, I found out that I got my first phone call at 1 am from Billy, wishing me a happy birthday. Unfortunately, I missed the call, as my cell phone decided to die on me the other day. But it makes me smile, none the less.

I do have so much more to say on the subject, but the fact is, I have to head out to my father's 60th birthday party. Yes, I was born on his birthday, which is cool. But it is also a bit of a pain, because he proclaims every year that I am enough of a present for him, and he doesn't need anything else.

Take care, everyone. I'll post further on the subject later!

Posted by Arieanna at 11:52 AM |