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Friday, August 20, 2004

Post Fringe Blues

It's terrible, I know. I haven't had a new post up since the middle of Fringe, which was weeks ago. I really do feel bad about it. Thing is, I'm just tired of posting the crappy stuff in my life.

Life goes badly for all of us sometimes, and I really don't want my online life to be about me leaving a laundry list of complaints on my blog all the time. So, I've been reluctant to update lately.

That, and the fact that there really isn't much going on in my life lately.

The Winnipeg Fringe festival has ended, the performers moving on to do other things here, or to tour with the Fringe Circuit. The Saskatoon Fringe has come and gone, Charlie taking the Best of Fringe, and now performing at the Edmonton Fringe. (and apparently far to busy with shows to answer his e-mail! *wink*). All that remains of the festival are tattered, wind-torn posters that I tend to walk by every day, as my new job is right in the Exchange District.

Yeah, I have a new job. It's still a temp assignment, but feels a tad more permanent then some of my others. I'm the receptionist at the disability office for a really large insurance company. I like it, but it's a busy job.

I've just been up to not much lately, except a lot of writing. I've been working on Learning to Breathe Again, Champion Industries and First and Last, for any of you reading those.

In other news, one of my best friends has seen fit to stop talking to me for an utterly perplexing reason. I really scratch my head at that. He's mad at me because he's somehow made it my fault that he didn't get more of a chance to talk to another friend of mine while he was in town. Hey, man, I barely get a chance to talk to him, you know?? See above!!!

Well, have to be off to my busy job. I'll try to post more soon. At least I'm seeing Prisoner of Azkaban at Imax tonight.

Posted by Arieanna at 6:57 AM |