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Thursday, January 05, 2006

New Year, New Me, New Blog, New Post

Hello all,

I realize that I haven't posted in over two months. I don't even know if anyone is still reading this. And I realize that that's WHY I haven't posted in over two months. I was just in it to see what people would say. What they would respond to. What they would tag me with. I had stopped blogging for the reasons that I had started blogging in the first place. And that reason was me, myself, and I.

Xander's Girl and I have seemed to commited some horrible faux pas in our internet circle of friends, and people stopped giving a crap about my blog. And I didn't want to post anymore because nobody cared. But you know what? I don't care about that anymore! This blog is my journal, and that's what I'm going to make it again. I'm going to write the things I feel, when I feel them, purely for my own enjoyment. And if people out there in cyberspace don't like it, so be it. Too bad!

That being said, I do want to continue the story of Valleycon. For my own scrapbook keeping reasons. Who knows, there may, in fact, be a family history reason to be showing these entries to my grandkids someday. I also could get hit by a bus on the way home. (Just to show you, babe, that I'm not weaving a rich fantasy life wherein there's already a happy ever after. Anything could happen. I'm just open to the possibility that my grandkids and your grandkids could potentially be the same people.)

With that being said......

Further Adventures of Valleycon

So, Saturday October 22nd dawned with, surprisingly enough, neither Jamie nor myself having a hangover. Why is this so surprising, you say? Well, because of 1. The amount of alcohol that we both managed to consume and 2. The fact that we had less then four hours of sleep. Though, I imagine, it's a grand possiblity that the reason that we didn't, in fact, have hangovers could have something to do with how little we did sleep. That's a therum that I'm going to have to test again at a later date.

So, we rise and shine. And there is nothing at all about this particular morning that indicates it will be a definite life-changing day. Isn't it funny how things can come along and alter your entire existance, but you can't see it coming at all? Well, I didn't see it coming at all. But I did discover that I'm seriously allergic to the hotel pillows. No matter. I get my costume together while giving Jamie a few more minutes to snooze. What costume, you ask? Well, by the time we left our hotel room, I was decked out in full Hermione Granger costume, complete with replica timeturner, as seen in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The only thing that I'm missing is my robe, which was being made by a friend of Cynara's, and hadn't been ready before the trip.

So, we decide to go to the guys room and see what their plans are. They are planning on going to the dealer's room in order to meet Julie Benz, same as us, but they aren't quite ready to head out yet. We make plans to meet up with them.

We run some errands, which include getting Jamie some gay golfer shoes that will come into play later.

When we get to the Civic Centre, we peruse the dealers' room for a while. I find the piece de resistance for my Hermione Costume. A S.P.E.W. badge. How perfect. Jamie buys me a Wesley action figure, which I adore, and adore her for, and I buy myself a Darla action figure, in hopes of gettting her to sign it.

Then it's off to meet Julie Benz herself.

She's so sweet, and accomodating, it's wonderful. She signs my Darla with the inscription "Lillian, Bite Me, Julie Benz." She also informs me that Lillian is the name of her mother in law. Then Jamie and I get a picture taken with Ms. Benz. It's at this time that Julie spots the timeturner that I'm wearing. It's on a very short chain. And it has engraving on it. Ms. Benz asks if she minds if she reads it, and I don't at all. But it puts her face very close to my chest. She smells pretty!

I still need to get those pictures developed.

This is about when the guys get to the dealers' room, and we hang out with Travis and Steve as Ed schmoozes with fellow comic book artist Taki Soma. This will be a pattern for the rest of the day.

There's really nothing eventful that goes on for the rest of the day, except that Jamie and I managed to trap ourselves in the purgatory of the Gay Unicorn Slide Show, and then it was time to go to the banquet.

And that's really when the fun began. So, I think I will save that for the next post, which I plan to make when I get home this afternoon.

One thing of note before I go, though. Steve knocks on the door shortly before we're leaving to go to dinner. He's by himself, and he's looking very handsome, in what has become one of my favorite shirts of his, and he invites us, very politely, to come to dinner. Should I have taken this as a sign of things to come? Maybe.......

And I'll leave the story there.

Happy New Year to all! May you all be as happy as I've been the last couple of months.

Posted by Arieanna at 11:59 AM |