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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Wonderful end to a craptastic day.

So, the day yesterday basically started out with me hitting the snooze on my alarm clock about twenty times. I really, really, didn't want to go into work yesterday. I truly could have used another 8 hours of sleep.

Truthfully, working at GWL all day, then heading straight over the the theatre every night is kind of taking it's toll on me. I leave the house before seven in the morning, and don't get back till ten at night. In addition, every day but tuesday we were short staffed at GWL last week. And it will be the same this week. Also, with my schedule, I haven't made it to kickboxing in a week. So, my energy is right at an all time low.

I was intending to stay late at work yesterday to do a little catch up, and only head to the theatre for the proper call time, but by four o'clock, I'd felt like I'd come out on the loosing end of an encounter with Sylar. That is to say totally brainless.

So I headed over to the theatre, and even though it was the last show of the week, and even though Rob was coming to see it because it was his birthday, my heart just wasn't in it last night.

Why, you ask? Usually I'm ecstatic and at my happiest when I'm stage managing something. But yesterday was Olivia's fight. And I'd been waiting to watch her fight for all the months that she was training and riding our asses extra hard in class, as she has a tendancy to do when she's going to get in the ring.

In other news, someone had swiped my watch and flashlight from the booth, and turned off the VCR, which, without a remote or a tape, I couldn't turn back onto TV/VCR.

Luckily, one phone call later and Rob was bringing me a watch and a videotape. Quiet a Godsend (though not as much as I would have liked. When he arrived, there was no trace of a hospice nurse, a japanese cubicle drone, a geneticist, a painter, a politician or a cop on him. DARN!)

The show went well, and at the end, I turned my cell phone back on, hoping to have a call from Naiomi telling me the results of the fight. Nada. So, I called and left my classmate a message, asking her to call me back.

When she did, she informed me that Olivia hadn't fought yet, and I should get my ass down there.

So I did. Rob and I actually ran all the way from the Ellice Theatre to the Convention Centre. When we got there I took my last 40 dollars out of the bank to buy the ticket. But Rob came through again. He knew someone with some clout, and we were let in just in time to hear the results of the fight right before "The Predator's".

She won, which I was never in doubt of. Surprise was, it went to decision, and she went all six rounds. Olivia had been worried about that. I was proud of her for pushing her own limits. You could tell by round four that she wasn't going for a knockout because she wanted to see if she had the legs.

We were also lucky enough to run into some of the guys from class who invited us to sit with them. It was nice to discuss the mechanics of the fight with Ron and Tim, and not be talked down to. They knew that I was aware of what I was talking about, and they didn't act as if, just because they'd been taking more classes then me, that they were superior. It was a nice change for me.

Well, Rob and I slipped out right after the fight in order to speak to Olivia and then head over to the King's Head, where we celebrated his birthday with dinner, a beer, and a chit chat with Francis.

That's right, I'm not going to hide and take it lying down. I'm not going to let other people make me feel unworthy, or as if I don't have a right to be somewhere.

I'm not the same person I was a year ago. My confidence in my self, my body, and my intelligence has all skyrocketed. The tiny bit of me that has always been a fighter has been brought to the forefront and nurtured so that it has become such a significant part of me that I won't back down from things that scare or indimidate me. The tricky thing about a fighter? They walk into the hits. They discover that they hurt less that way.

So, congrats to Olivia for the win. (LJ readers, that's her in the icon.) I'd also like to thank her. She is a very large part of why I'm becoming who I'm becoming. So thank you!

Posted by Arieanna at 12:19 PM |