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Thursday, May 20, 2004

I'm in mourning, the wake is at Keycon

So, I'm sure all of you know what my post is going to be about, except for those who don't.


That being said . . . .

Sorry that I had to do that, but neither my best friend nor my brother has seen the show that has brought this bizarre yet tight knit group together, and, though I want to talk about it, though I NEED to talk about it, I in no way want to spoil it for those that have not seen the series finale of Angel. If you are still reading this without having seen the epi, then I warn you now, I'm about to stomp all over your unspoiledness the way Scruffy stomped all over mine over a month ago.

Okay, so . . . .

I'm in mourning for Wes. Deep, dark, mourning!

It's actually causing me to stop and cry at unexpected moments.

I'm mourning for everything. For Wes, for Lindsey, for the end of Angel, for the end of quality television, for it all. But mostly, at the moment, I'm mourning my beloved Wesley.

Even though I was spoiled.

Scruffy blew the secret for me more than a month ago. He says to me that he's heard a character is going to die. When I told him not to tell me who, he followed up with not telling me the name, but telling me that it was a character that I liked. Well, since I like all of the characters, he must have meant someone that I really liked. It wasn't very hard to deduce that he meant Wes.

I asked TheStormCellar about it when she was visiting, telling her that he spoiled me. She tried to reassure me that no one knew the end, and that allowed me to live in denialville a little longer. Maybe he would come back or get magically saved at the very, very end of the series?

Well, he didn't.

I'm still so much in shock, even after knowing that it was coming, that I just can't give you any other reaction to the episode than that. That's all I have right now. Shock and grief.

Also, shock and despair at the death of Lindsey. Can't tell you how bad that feels.

But, you all should know of my unfailing Wes love, and that's the loss that hit me the most.

Until I can get over the shock and learn to accept a little, I will be denying everything, and having a wake for Angel: The Series, at Keycon this weekend. I'm planning on going to our local Sci-Fi convention, and commiserating with like minded people over our shared loss.

So, if you don't hear from me for the next couple of days, I've fallen into a glass of whiskey with Wes.

*HUGS* to the MNA family. May we all get through this loss together.

Also, to Sekkie, I'm still going to answer the five questions, I promise!

Posted by Arieanna at 8:06 PM |